About launching human rights of organizations and bodies by the Syrian Federation

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Public statement

About launching human rights of organizations and bodies by the Syrian Federation

We had announced on 19 \ 1 \ 2013 the establishment of the National Council for Human Rights in Syria, as an evolutionary result of the joint coordination between the organizations defending human rights that continued for several years, in addition to the communication and coordination with other bodies of that signed the statement of establishment, as an attempt to improve coordinating to cope with the painful developments in Syria since March 2011 until this moment, and to meet the new Syria that we aspire, of democracy, pluralism, and social justice.

The founding announcement of the National Council for Human Rights was as a formulation of the coordinating body of national non-governmental organizations that do not follow nor coordinate with any political party or religious group, and considering that this body is one of the Syrian human rights bodies aspiring to work on spreading the culture of human rights and the promotion of its values ​​within the Syrian society, and disseminate and consolidate the values ​​of citizenship, tolerance, equality, and non-violence and work to strengthen these values ​​and ensure its protection and respect legally.

Together, we came to a balanced assessment and initial vision, and we believe it is correct and valid in our continuous struggle for the development of the role of the Syrian human rights bodies in the promotion and protection of human rights. As a result of terrible and serious violations committed, and still are, in Syria, we have agreed on the inclusion of an essential and constitutive item that is an urgent and immediate task, that is the dissemination of a culture of transitional justice, through the establishment of the principle of responsibility and accountability to ensure that there is no impunity for those responsible for the violence, and those responsible for the ruin, destruction, and casualties in Syria, whether governmental or non-governmental, and refer them and hold them accountable to an independent and fair judiciary.

Our vision for this new tool, as we previously and still announce, is represented in making Syria a meeting ground for the bodies for the defending human rights, and the individual experiences known for their activities and defense of human rights, so that such a body forms a major source of Syrian expertise that defend human rights, and to promote awareness of human rights and democracy in the community, as principal values to​​ guide (the body) to be interrelated and interdependent as an embodiment of respect for individual freedoms and fundamental rights to uphold the rule of law and effective participation and transparency in political decision-making, without distinction of any kind, in addition to the accountability of those responsible for public affairs and ensure the right of the opposition to express an opinion and practice their rights under the law and the culture of freedom of expression, not to mention that women should have their active role in various decision-making positions to ensure political participation and sustainable development.

We agreed at the time to keep the doors of the founding membership open for any human rights body that would like to participate and join this council.

Ten months after the declaration of establishment, and after the successful launch of this unprecedented alliance that gathered a number of agencies, organizations, and centers of common interest in defending the values ​​of human rights and democracy, and for objective reasons relating to the general situation in Syria, we were not able to activate this new framework, which necessitated the need to activate this new networking and alliance to live up to the challenge caused by the gravity and seriousness of the large number of violations, delay is no longer justified in this activation.

Since we, were and still are, agree on visions, strategies, and goals to elevate and increase the level of coordination, it has been agreed upon recently to change the name "National Council for Human Rights in Syria," which we launched in the 19 \ 1 \ 2013, to overcome any obstacles resulting from the similarity of name, and we reaffirm the same strategies for our work.

Therefore, the new name has been formulated in line with the intellectual methodology and consistent with the nature of the coalition and the ongoing coordination between the bodies concerned with human rights and civil society. These undersigned bodies agreed that the new name would become:

The Syrian Federation for Human Rights Organizations and Bodies

It was also agreed upon, pending the convening of the first conference of the federation, that the coordinating committee consists of the following colleagues:

1) Colleague Danial Saoud, the coordinator of the Syrian Federation for Human Rights Organizations and Bodies

2) Colleague Mohammed Khalil

3) Colleague Salah Shamieh

4) Colleague Ebrahim Youssef

5) Colleague Mahmoud Merei

6) Colleague Sulaiman Ismail

7) Colleague Khurshid Chauzy

We will do our best to draw a clear strategy to serve as a general policy for the work of the federation by addressing and defending all the issues of human rights in Syria, taking into consideration distinctive human rights issues for us in Syria that are related to the values ​​of citizenship, tolerance, equality, renounce violence, and work to strengthen the unity and cohesion of the community, as well as, work to address all the effects resulting from the exercise of the various forms of discrimination, the most serious of which is the discrimination against the Kurds of Syria, and we will be monitoring and documenting all individual and social violations on human rights, and work to stop them whatever their sources or justifications were. Further work to strengthen the status of women and the importance of Syria's role in our society, and in coordination with other organizations and agencies working in the defense of women's rights in Syria.

We sincerely hope that the next Syria is a civilized and democracy governed country that takes to the polls in free and fair elections, without violence or terrorism, and where citizens live with dignity under the rule of law and prevailing international charters and conventions for the defense of human rights, signed by the state, on national legislation.

Damascus on 29 \ 11 \ 2013

The Organizations and bodies and centers signatory:

1- Committees Advocating Freedoms, Democracy, and Human Rights in Syria(C.D.F)

2- Kurdish Organization Advocating Human Rights and General Freedoms in Syria (DAD).

3- National Organization of Human Rights in Syria.

4- Kurdish Committee of Human Rights in Syria (Al Rasid).

5- Arab Organization for human Rights in Syria.

6- Human Rights Organization in Syria (maf).

7- Organization of defending prisoners of Opinion in Syria (Rawanka).

8- Kaskay Organization for the Protection of Environment.

9- National Gathering for the Rights of Women and Children.

10- National Coordinate Advocating the Missing in Syria.

11- Rooni Association for Kurdish Woman.

12- Syrian Lawyers Society for Transitional Justice and the Prominence of Law

13- Algmehoria Center for Studies and Human Right (ACHRS).

14- Syrian Society for Freedom and Justice.

15- Syrian Center for Educating Human Rights.

16- Eibella Center for Transitional Justice and Democracy Studies in Syria.

17- Syrian Center for Human Rights.

18- Syrian Center for Transitional Justice and Promotion of Democracy.

19- Syrian Center for Rehabilitating Victims of Violence and Torture.

20- Syrian National Center for Democracy and Rights of Development.

21- The national Center for Tolerance and Anti-Violence Studies in Syria.

22- Kurdish-Syrian Center of Documentation.

23- The Syrian Center for Housing Rights

24- Organization of Reporters Without Newspapers

25- The Syrian Center for Independence of the Judiciary

26- The Syrian Association for the defense of workers' rights

27- The Syrian Center for Transitional Justice(MSAA)

28- The Syrian Center for Economic and Social Rights

29- The Ugarit Center for Training and Human Rights

30- Arab Committee for the defense of freedom of opinion and expression

31- The Syrian Centre for Monitoring Elections

32- The Syrian Center for Civil Society and Human Rights Studies

33- The Syrian Coalition Against the Death Penalty(SCODP)

34- The Syrian platform for non-governmental organizations(SPNGO)

the coordinator: Danail Saoud

Tel-fax: 0096343723670

Mob: 00963944861039

Email: " F.HR.SY"< هذا البريد الالكتروني محمى من المتطفلين , يجب عليك تفعيل الجافا سكر يبت لرؤيته >