Condemnation and denunciation For the kidnapping of Bishop Polis Al Yazigi and Bishop John Abraham and killing the driver And demanding their immediate release

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Press Release

Damascus, 29/4/2013

A joint statement by the organizations, bodies, and centers for the defense of human rights in Syria and the Arab world

Condemnation and denunciation

For the kidnapping of Bishop Polis Al Yazigi and Bishop John Abraham and killing the driver

And demanding their immediate release

The organizations, bodies, and centers for the defense of human rights in Syria and the Arab world received, with deep concern and indignation and condemnation, the news of the unidentified gunmen abducting both national religious figures, near the city of Aleppo, on 22/04/2013,:

Metropolitan of Aleppo, Iskenderun and surroundings for Rome Orthodox Bishop Polis Yazigi.

Metropolitan of Aleppo for Syriac Orthodox Bishop John Abraham,

They were taken to an unknown destination, after killing the driver Fateh Allah Roubin Kapoud and are still unaccounted for, until now.

We in the organizations, bodies, and centers for the defense of human rights in Syria and the Arab world, condemn and deplore very strongly, the abduction of:

Bishop Polis Al Yazigi

Bishop John Abraham

Regardless of whoever is behind this sinful attempt, we express our deep concern and fear on their lives, because the abduction is a real threat to their safety and their lives.

We call upon all who can work on the detection of their fate, maintain their safety, or try to release them, whoever has abducted them, as the abduction constitutes a flagrant violation of all local, regional and international human rights protection laws, conventions, and treaties.

Damascus: 28 \ 4 \ 2013

Signatory centers, organizations, and bodies:

The name of human rights organizations signed

1. Committees for the Defense of Democratic Liberties and Human Rights in Syria

2. The Arab Commission for Human Rights – Paris

3. Network Iraqi human rights organizations (including 53 human rights organizations) / Iraq

4. Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Center / Palestine

5. Algerian League for the Defense of Human Rights / Algeria

6. Yemen Organization for Defending Rights and Democratic Freedoms / Yemen

7. Al-Khiam Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture/ Lebanon

8. Amman Center for Human Rights Studies [ACHRS] / Jordan

9. Aman Network for Rehabilitation and Defending Human Rights/ Lebanon

10. Electronic Press Association / Jordan

11. Algerian League for the Defense of Human Rights / Algeria

12. Mauritanian Association for the Promotion Rights / Mauritania

13. Human Rights and Democracy Media Centers SHAMS/ Palestine

14. Iraqi Alliance Against the Death Penalty/ Iraq

15. AL-Rafidain Center for Ensuring Human Rights / Iraq

16. Bahrain Transparency Society / Bahrain

17. Yemeni Women's Union / Apain

18. Aljthour Society for Citizens' Rights/ Jordan

19. Hammurabi Organization for Monitoring Human Rights and Democracy / Iraq

20. Kurdish Committee for Human Rights in Syria (observer) / Syria

21. National Organization for Human Rights in Syria

22. Human Rights Organization in Syria MAF / Syria

23. The Arab Organization for Human Rights in Syria

24. Kurdish Organization for the Defense of Human Rights and Public Freedoms in Syria ) DAD(

25. Syrian League for the Defense of Human Rights / Syria

26. Amman Forum Society for Human Rights / Jordan

27. The Arab Organization for Human Rights in Jordan

28. Syrian platform for NGOs (SPNGO ) / Syria

29. Syrian Kurdish Centre for Documentation / Syria

30. Syrian Coalition Against the Death Penalty (SCODP) / Syria

31. National Coordination for the Defense of missing in Syria

32. Syrian Jurists League for transitional justice and the rule of law/ Syria

33. Syrian League for Freedom and fairness / Syria

34. Ibella Center for Transitional Justice and democracy / Syria

35. Syrian Center for Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence and Torture / Syria

36. Syrian National Center for Democracy and Human Development / Syria

37. National Center for the Study of Tolerance and Anti-Violence in Syria

38. Defend for prisoners of conscience in Syria Rwankh

39. Syrian Center for Human Rights / Syria

40. The Palestinian Society for Human Rights (Monitor) / Lebanon

41. Bahraini Observatory for Human Rights / Bahrain

42. Human Rights Monitoring Center/Bahrain

43. Arab-European Center for Human Rights and International Law/ Norway

44. Arab Coalition Against the DP.

45. Bahrain Society for Human Rights

46. Al-Lualuaa Society for Human Rights/Bahrain

47. Arab Society for Academics Freedom

48. Arab Network for Human Rights Trainers

49. Arab Women Organization/Jordan

50. Jordan Coalition Against the DP.

51. El- Nadim Center for the Management and Rehabilitation of victims of violence / Egypt

52. Jordan Network for Human Rights Trainers

53. Human Forum for women’s Rights/Jordan

54. Mauritanian Club for intellectuals for Democracy and Development

55. Syrian Center for Civil society and Human Rights Studies.